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CWP Recertification FAQs

About the CWP Credential 

The Certified Wellness Practitioner (CWP) credential elevates professionals’ reputations, recognizes their competence in the five domains of the NWI Wellness Promotion Competency Model, and demonstrates their commitment to ongoing professional development and professional standards.

CWPs must meet current the recertification requirements to keep their credential active and promote their designation publicly. Please review the FAQs below to learn more about the recertification requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I maintain my active CWP status?

You’ve earned it, now keep it! In addition to keeping the ability to use and promote your CWP designation publicly, there are countless reasons to keep your active CWP account in good standing:

  • Demonstrate your knowledge, skills, and competence in the five domains of the Wellness Promotion Competency Model
  • Be at the forefront of advancing wellness practices across multiple professions, industries, and disciplines
  • Promote your designation publicly with the CWP credentials and official digital badge
  • Track your certification via your online Professional Development Journal
  • Ensure you continue to apply current and relevant methods in your work
  • Discover opportunities to serve as a wellness subject matter expert
  • Access virtual and in-person networking and connection activities
  • Be listed on the Certified Wellness Practitioner Online Directory
      What are the current CWP recertification requirements?

      Certification cycles begin on February 1 (January exam), June 1 (May exam), or October 1 (September exam). To keep your account in good standing and ensure your ability to promote your CWP credentials publicly, you must meet all recertification requirements by the end of your current certification cycle. You may view your current CWP status expiration date under the “My CWP” menu when you log in to your account.

      Before your certification cycle ends, you must:

      • Document a total of 30 continuing education (CE) credits earned, at least 10 of which must be from Category 1 activities, and
      • Pay the current recertification fee.
      What type of continuing education activities are accepted?

      You are encouraged to pursue continuing education activities that align with the NWI Wellness Promotion Competency Model.  To ensure a well-rounded and professional level of ongoing continuing education, activities are organized into the following categories:

      Category 1 CE Activities
      Minimum required = 10
      Maximum accepted = 30

      Category 1 CE activities are pre-approved by the Council on Wellness Certification Excellence (CWCE). A complete list of available offerings are featured in the Wellness Alliance (NWI + WECLOA) Online Learning Center. In addition, transcripts demonstrating wellness-related academic coursework taken during your current certification cycle may be submitted for Category 1 approval by the CWCE. Activities offered through NWI will be automatically entered into your Professional Development Journal while submitted activities will be manually entered upon credit approval.

      Category 2 CE Activities
      Minimum required = 0
      Maximum accepted = 20

      Category 2 CE activities are not pre-approved by the CWCE and must be submitted using the official Category 2 CEC Submission Form. Activities in this category must align with the NWI Wellness Promotion Competency Model, be intended for an audience of wellness professionals, and may not be part of your daily job requirements.

      Toward the goal of helping CWPs stay on top of their continuing education throughout their certification cycle, we strongly encourage the submission of credits within 90 days of completion. Credits submitted after 90 days will be approved on a case-by-case basis and acceptance cannot be guaranteed. Please refer to Appendix A in the CWP Recertification Handbook for additional details (note: the revised 2025 Handbook is in development and will be released in Q4 2024).

      What are the current CWP recertification rates?

      2025 CWP recertification rates are listed below:

      • NWI/Wellness Alliance Member: $150
      • Nonmember: $200

      All current fees associated with the CWP credential are available to view or download here.

      How do I document the CECs I've earned?

      Category 1 CE credits earned through pre-approved activities will be documented in your Professional Development Journal by NWI and applied toward re-certification if the event is attended in full and the program evaluation form is submitted, or the academic credit has been approved by the CWCE.

      All Category 2 CE credits and Category 1 CE credits earned through academic coursework must be submitted via this CEC Submission Form. In addition, to maintain professional and timely standards and to avoid the loss of credits, CWPs must ensure all CECs earned are documented within 90 days of completing the activity and prior to their certification expiration date.

      How do I calculate the credits I still need to recertify?

      As a professional, it is your responsibility to track your CWP recertification status and submit all Category 1 (from academic coursework) and/or Category 2 (from any outside activity) CECs in a timely manner. You may view the total number of CECs you have accumulated toward recertification and view/print a transcript when signed in to your Professional Development Journal. By way of back up, we strongly encourage all CWPs to maintain personal records documenting the number and types of continuing CE activities achieved and submitted during each recertification cycle.

      Should you not be able to meet the recertification requirements by the end of your 3-year certification cycle or the complimentary grace period (and pay all associated fees), your credential will be revoked and you must discontinue public use and promotion of the CWP designation (e.g., resume, CV, website, social media, presentations, etc).

      What happens if I do not have enough CECs to recertify?

      If you pay your recertification fee but are unable to document the total number of required CE credits by the end of your current certification cycle, you will enter a 30-day grace period. During this time, you may continue to use the CWP credentials while you acquire and record your remaining CE credits.

      If you require additional time beyond the initial 30-day grace period, your account will be placed in “pending” status for up to 60 more days while you acquire and recording your CE credits. Upon completion, you must pay a reinstatement fee (currently $50) to keep your CWP account in good standing and enter a new 3-year certification cycle based on your original recertification date (February 1, June 1, or October 1).

      Is membership to NWI or the Wellness Alliance included?

      No, membership to NWI and/or the Wellness Alliance (NWI + WELCOA) is not included in any Certified Wellness Practitioner fees. You may learn more about membership, join the Wellness Alliance, and gain access to all available benefit (including free and discounted Category 1 CE activities) here.

      For additional questions about membership, please contact or call 402-827-3590 (press 1 for membership).

      Who do I contact with additional questions?

      If you have CWP recertification questions not answered here, please submit a CWP Recertification Support ticket or call 715-342-2969 for assistance.

      Download Your Copy of the Organizational Wellness Inventory PDF

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